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June 2018 Newsletter – Warwick

June 2018 Newsletter – Warwick

We would like to wish all of our Dads, Grandfathers, and Uncles a very Happy Father’s Day!



Special Notices / Opening Info


Week of 6/11- Alex’s Lemonade Stand


6/22- End of the year celebration for 4’s Pre-K  and K-Prep

6/25- Transition Week- Please look for transition lists posted in each classroom!





This month we will focus on sensory exploration.  The children will show curiosity and explore sensory materials while they enjoy feeling various pleasing sensations and textures.  We will also initiate and engage in simple back and forth interactions with others by using facial expressions, vocalizations and gestures.


Classroom Special Events: 

On 6/20, we will celebrate the last day of spring by having a picnic outside with our babies. 


Family Engagement Activity: 

Take a nature walk as a family and explore the textures of the grass, leaves, trees, etc.  Talk about the nature using descriptive words(bumpy, smooth, cold, hot)


Happy birthday to: 

Ms. Patricia 6/4

Violet 6/14






This month we will focus on language development as the children work on combining words and gestures to communicate.  We will also focus on gross motor as we spend more time outside exploring nature and enjoying the warm weather!


Classroom Special Events: 

This month we will be working on special Father’s Day gifts!  Please see Ms. Mishele for more details.


Family Engagement Activity: 

Take a nature walk as a family and explore the textures of the grass, leaves, trees, etc.  Talk about the nature using descriptive words(bumpy, smooth, cold, hot)


Happy birthday to: 

Happy Birthday to Landon 6/27!  Enjoy your day!



Young Toddlers:


 This month our goals will focus on social and emotional development.  The children will engage in positive relationships and interaction with other children.  We will work on taking turns with other children.  We will also focus on cognitive development as the children’s skills increase at adjusting to changes in demands, priorities, and perspectives.  We will work on transitioning from one activity to the next with adult support.


Classroom Special Events: 

This month we will begin water play!  Look for more details and specific days!


Family Engagement Activity: 

Take a nature walk as a family and explore the textures of the grass, leaves, trees, etc.  Talk about the nature using descriptive words(bumpy, smooth, cold, hot).


Happy birthday to: 

Jaydason 6/1  and Ms. Nichol  6/19   Enjoy your day!




Older Toddlers:


This month we will focus on gross motor development.  We will be doing many activities outside to exercise and practice our coordination while also having fun!  We will also focus on cognitive development as we work to increase our skills in filtering impulses and sustaining attention on a task in our everyday classroom activities to get us ready for preschool.


Classroom Special Events:

This month we will begin water play!  Look for more details and specific days!


Family Engagement Activity: 

We will be having a party on Monday, June 18th to honor our dads!  More details to come!


Happy birthday to: 

Lyla 6/16, Knoah 6/18, and Gianni 6/24!  Enjoy your day!




3’s Preschool:


We are combining creative arts and physical health as we celebrate music and dance and learn new songs, finger plays, line dances, and explore musical instruments (including hand made).  In mathematics, we will work on measurement comparison and ordering by length, height, width and weight using various rules, measuring cups and scales.  We will compare small to large as well as light vs. heavy.



Classroom Special Events:

Alex’s Lemonade stand 6/11/-6/15

6/20-End of the year “cook in”  Sign up sheet will be posted. 


Family Engagement Activity: 

6/20- End of the year celebration.  We will be serving up hot dogs and fun for the class to celebrate the end of the year school year/start of summer.


Happy birthday to: 

Ben 6/5, Josie 6/8, and Augustine 6/18.  Enjoy your day!



4’s Pre-K:


This month we will be focusing on science skills.  We will be working on a space unit.  The children will be learning about the planets in our solar system.  They will explore their characteristics and compare and contrast the planets.  As our school year comes to a close, the children will be completing their portfolios and reflecting on the work they have done this year.  The children will apply strategies they have learned and draw upon past knowledge and experiences to meet goals and solve problems.


Classroom Special Events: 

On Thursday, June 21st, we will be having an end of the year party for all of our Pre-K and K-Prep friends.  The theme this year is MOANA!  There will be a sign up sheet posted for party goodies the week before.


Family Engagement Activity:

Please join us for our End of the Year Celebration on Friday, June 22nd at 11:00 a.m.  Please be mindful that we have very limited space both inside the building and for parking.  Please limit guests to 2 per graduate.  Families are invited to bring a lunch and join us for a picnic after our celebration.


Happy birthday to: 

There are no birthdays this month!





This month our focus will be social and emotional development.  The children will develop an awareness of themselves as an individual with unique thoughts, feelings, and perspectives.  This goal is used to help children understand themselves so that they may begin to understand that other children also have uniqueness in their feelings and opinions.  The children will also work on developing the ability to control impulses.  This goal is used to help children prepare themselves for Kindergarten and the need to participate in group activities for increasing amounts of time.



Classroom Special Events: 

6/20- 100th Day Celebration

6/21- Graduation Party

6/22- Graduation Celebration 11:00




Family Engagement Activity: 

In order to promote “sense of self” this month, ask your child for his or her input in making decisions like a weekly dinner menu, what to wear each day, which program to watch on tv, etc.  Ask their opinions!


Happy birthday to: 

Charlene 6/21  Enjoy your day!




Here’s to another great month of learning and fun! Thank you for your continued help and support!