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April Newsletter Warwick

April Newsletter Warwick

Welcome to the month of April!

We would like to wish our families a very Happy Easter!



The month we will be celebrating the Week of the Young Child 4/16-4/20! Please look for more details to follow. We will also be hosting a game night on 4/18 from 5-6. All families are welcome to attend! Please sign up in your child’s classroom.






We will be getting outside as often as possible as the weather becomes nicer. Younger infants will be encouraged to use multiple senses to observe and respond to their natural world. Older infants will visit the playground to explore living surfaces (rolling in grass or playing in the dirt). We will be bringing books, balls and push toys outside.



Classroom Special Events: This month we will be working on a special Mother’s Day gift!



Family Engagement: We will be decorating flowers to display in our classroom. We are asking that you bring in 5 family pictures for us to use to decorate!


Happy birthday to… There are no birthdays this month. We would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter!






This month we will focus on cognitive development and the children increase at adjusting to changes in demands, priorities, and perspectives. We will also focus on mathematics as the children develop number recognition and counting skills and learn the relationship between numbers and the quantity they represent.



Family Engagement: 4/17- Tasty Tuesday We are asking everyone to bring in a healthy snack for the class to try! A sign up sheet will be posted.



Classroom Special Events: Family Game Night 4/18 Please sign up if you plan on attending.



Happy birthday to… Zamir 4/14 and James 4/23



Young Toddlers:


This month we will focus on physical health and motor development. We will work on proper hand washing techniques. We will also work on language development as the children work to understand and respond to understand and respond to increasingly complex language.



Family Engagement: This month we will be sending home a color scavenger hunt for you to do with your child. You can bring it back and show us what you found.



Classroom Special Events:  Classroom Tea Party- More details to follow. 4/18- Family Game Night. Please sign up if you plan on attending.



Happy birthday to… Noah 4/26 Enjoy your day!



Older Toddlers:



This month the children will work on recognizing their names by using name tags when sitting for meals and activities. We will also explore characteristics of living and non living things in our environment and outside through nature walks.



Family Engagement: 4/18- Family Game Night Please sign up if you plan on attending.


Classroom Special Events:  4/13- Classroom Tea Party Please wear your Sunday best!


Happy birthday to… Aldric- 4/3 and Raquel 4/16



3’s Preschool:


This month we will work on social studies and learn how we can participate as active members of the community and what their roles are. We will do this by dramatic play, story time and guest speakers.



Family Engagement: Earth Day Scavenger Hunt- More Information to follow



Classroom Special Events:Earth Day Clean up! We will do an outdoor cleanup of our play area as well as get dirty in the garden to get ready for planting. 4/18- Family Game Night Please sign up if you plan on attending



Happy birthday to… Abra 4/1 and Aubrey 4/26 Enjoy your day!




4’s Pre-K:


This month we will be focusing on social studies skills. As we work on our dinosaur unit, the children will be learning about the similarities and differences between our present world and the time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. The children will begin to understand the concepts of time (past, present, future) and place. We will also be working on a unit about our Earth and recycling. The children will gain awareness of how they relate to their family and community, and understand social roles and responsibilities. We will learn how to keep our Earth healthy, safe, and what we can do as a school community to help.



Family Engagement: In honor of Earth Day, our Pre-K class will be in charge of a recycling drive for our entire school. I will be sending home a flyer about what types of items can be donated that you usually put in your recycling bin. We will be collecting materials from April 9th-April 20th.



Classroom Special Events: 3/2- *A story with the Mayor- Scott Avedisian 4/5 @ 3:00 *Week of the Young Child Celebration 4/16- 4/20 More details to follow


Happy birthday: Brynn- 4/25 Enjoy your day!





This month we will focus on science. The children will learn to plan for and carry out investigations and collect, evaluate, and communicate information. The children will explore topics such as planting seeds, taking care of the earth, and dinosaurs. Children will be able to learn how to use various scientific inquiry skills, explore ideas, and ask questions. The children learn to use numbers to compare quantities and solve problems. Children will use their number sense and knowledge of numbers to make comparisons to tell if a group of objects has more or less than another.
Classroom Special Events: *A story with the Mayor- Scott Avedisian 4/5 @ 3:00 *Week of the Young Child Celebration- 4/16- 4/20 More details to follow.



Family Engagement: This month we are having a family game night on April 18th from 5-6. Please sign up if you plan on attending in our classroom.


Happy birthday: There are no birthdays this month! Happy Easter to all of our families! !

Here’s to another great month of learning and fun! Thank you for your continued help and support!